Sunday, June 1, 2014

So, we bought a house!  And have been working like mad on it before we move all our pretty things tomorrow.  Right now husband is painting that whole room white.  And last night I fell in love with Wickam Gray in the dining room.  This same week we rode 100 miles on our bicycles, fought like crazy over silly things, went to the best pancake feed we've ever been to, and I face planted twice on the living room floor trying to do my daily push-up challenge.  I blame the pancakes.  On that note, I have to grind out 45 tonight and I'm pretty sure my arms haven't stopped vibrating since using the sander on those blasted one-hundred year old floors.  Life is feeling really manual lately (and I love it) but I am ready for a trip home.  Maybe when I come back, the kitchen will be painted too! 

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