Thursday, January 31, 2019

Sometimes you don't realize you are on a mountaintop until later when you are clearly in a valley or the wilderness or whatever term you want to use for it.  A couple Sundays ago I was sitting in the last row of the balcony with my baby on my lap and Nate beside me and I promised myself an actual mountain top drive.  Even if I have to listen to Veggie Tales all the way up, I'm going to load the babies and drive and sit and pray.  Loudly if I need to, but I'm going to pray to my God in a high place.  All over the Old Testament, God speaks to His people on mountaintops.  One of my favorite memories from my twenties is driving to the top of a mountain with two girlfriends, blasting Phil Wickam, and singing to Jesus at the top of our lungs with our arms stretched out the windows towards the sky.  There's something sacred about high places and every once in a while I remember to join the hills and the trees in singing glories to our Creator.

I'm not in a valley.  I'm not in a wilderness.  I'm probably up high somewhere on a peak, I'm just too unaware of my life sometimes to realize it.  Lately, I've caught myself and I've whispered Thank You.  Every once in a while I look at my boy and at my sweet girl and I let them know how grateful I am that God trusted me with them.  What a fortunate mama, what a good God.  I'm working on letting my husband know how honored I am to join life stories with him.  I joke with my physical therapist that my daily list includes such small, simple things that the twenty year old me would shake her head in disbelief at my need to be reminded to .

Drink water
Where are your shoulders?
Use that core
Eat some fat
Eat some protein
Smile at your babies
Kiss him
Get down on the floor
Sing/ write/ draw/ make/

And now I'm finding myself adding weightier things:

Where is He leading you?
Talk to Him
Talk about Him
Teach your babies to talk to Him
Teach your babies to talk about Him
Name the mountaintop moments, memorialize like mad

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